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From Preference Elicitation to Participatory ML: A Critical Survey & Guidelines for Future Research.

Updated: Sep 27

Feffer M, Skirpan M, Lipton Z, Heidari H. From Preference Elicitation to Participatory ML: A Critical Survey & Guidelines for Future Research. AIES '23: Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. 2023; Pages 38-48.

Summary: This paper critically surveys the field of participatory machine learning (ML) and its efforts to empower stakeholders and communities affected by AI systems. The authors highlight that current participatory methods often reduce engagement to computational mechanisms focused on eliciting narrow moral values, with limited, one-time interactions involving unrepresentative groups. To address these shortcomings, the paper introduces a set of axes to better evaluate and improve participatory approaches in ML. These axes guide future research in operationalizing meaningful participation, emphasizing the need for more inclusive, sustained, and representative stakeholder engagement in AI development.

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