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Multimodal machine learning models identify chemotherapy drugs with prospective clinical efficacy in dogs with relapsed B-cell lymphoma

Callegari AJ, Tsang J, Park S, Swartzfager D, Kapoor S, Choy K, Lim S. Multimodal machine learning models identify chemotherapy drugs with prospective clinical efficacy in dogs with relapsed B-cell lymphoma. Front Oncol. 2024;14. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2024.1304144.

This study aimed to assist veterinary oncologists in selecting effective chemotherapy drugs for dogs with relapsed B-cell lymphoma using multimodal machine learning models. The models integrate tumor profiling data to predict clinical response to 10 chemotherapy drugs. Results demonstrated that dogs treated with drugs predicted as effective by the models had superior clinical outcomes, including higher overall and complete response rates, longer complete response durations, and improved survival times. These findings suggest that machine learning tools can enhance treatment decisions for canine lymphoma patients.

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